The Twelfth Film Funding Pot is open now!
As you may be aware, Reel Brum will be hosting our very own strand at Flatpack Festival 2024! As part of this strand we will be screening 12 films at the Bafta qualifying festival.
Eleven of these will be picked by panel decision from the pool of films screened at Reel Brum events throughout the year. The final film will be a Reel Brum production which will be funded via the Twelfth Film Funding Pot, which is accrued through ticket sales to our monthly events. We want to encourage our members to collaborate and use the network to the fullest in order to co-produce a film with Reel Brum to create something amazing, original and thoroughly local.
To apply for the £1500 fund:
Submit a logline and a detailed treatment (500 words max)
Cover letter detailing experience and why you want to make this film (500 words max)
Detail proposed crew and locations (minimum 50% Midlands cast and crew)
Scripts and budgets welcomed but not essential
Runtime max 20 minutes
Send applications to reelbrum@gmail.com
Deadline: 31st January 2024
Winning application announced: w/c 5th February 2024
Film completion: 30th April 2024